Nepal Country Report

  1. Does a specific Peace Tax law proposal exist in your country?

    As it is a completely new concept for our country and people such question is out of question. Even the prevalent classical taxes are out of reach for the massive illiterate people in Nepal in knowledge and minority people knowingly take them as burdensome and although they pay tax they pay involuntarily rather than willingly. It is because the heavy portion of the paid tax goes to the pocket of the tax officers, political leaders, bureaucrats and even to businessmen in the reverse way.

  2. What would be the name of the proposed law?

    The name of the proposed law could most probably like to be “Peace, Security and Development Tax” ( PeSeDeT) or PSDT. It would be appropriate name because the country is in need of these three elements die hardly as immediate as possible. That is why most of the political parties are about to make slogans more or less based on the given name perhaps the exact or roundabout way for the forthcoming election scheduled in the month of November.

  3. Please give a brief outline or summary of it.

    More homework is still to be done for the campaign, pressure, advocacy and legislation and implementation. In the country where the tax like Value Added Tax (VAT) for the enforcement took couple of years and although it is now in the operation since last two years that is also by force is still not has proved satisfactorily.

  4. Has it been introduced and / or discussed in parliament ...?

    Not in our knowledge so far. Definitely there is a sub- heading in the budget Sheet called Peace and Security which is being enjoyed by / under the Home Ministry. In addition, there is a Prime minister Trust giving privilege for the Prime minister to use or misuse it either in the name of emergency relief fund or crushing the opponents or peace and security.

  5. What can you say about history ...?

    Not at the moment, research work is yet to be done.

  6. Are there any plans ...?

    Of course as we have expressed our commitment in the last submitted country report of 2000, we have plans. We have been doing discussions since then among our colleagues within out organization and even with some others in the present initial phase. But as you know it would be wise if the teachers do homework properly before entering the class for teaching. Otherwise...

    Regarding politically activeness, legislation and all that, what I can personally assure is that we will be but it may take some years for that one needs patience, strong motivation and continuity. But we are not interested to make Peace Tax Party in Nepal like Green Party or Green peace parties found in the different countries including Nepal. However, we support the principles of Green parties existing in the world. Because, in our concept there are other colors too in the nature not only the green. If we have to make party within our country it is not impossible for us however it is not easy either. For I myself had the experienced of being political activist for almost decade along with the 25 years of total social works in my life and in my country. Some of the legislators and even a minister of the present government are my contemporaries and colleagues. We and our organization are not interested to work under the umbrella of any political parties in our country. There are many organizations in Nepal including the currently leading organizations are working under or affiliated to either rightist parties or leftist parties unseeingly or under bureaucrats. However, they say or write “we are nonpartisan organization besides others.” That is why also, we are seen at behind at the moment. But what we have got confidence is what we are hopeful is in next some years our organisation will be one of the frontier organisations in our nation. Once we ourselves are conceptually clear we can start meetings with Parliamentarians and make them propose as a bill in the House for the law. Legislative House is not far for us it is so near as if it is neighbor's house.

  7. Please give name ...?

    As we have stated above in the beginning that this concept is absolutely alien to our country, we don't think one would find the right person for the information and advocacy in this specific field in Nepal. Whoever being contacted would have to start the work from the beginning. After all the matter is same.