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Marian Franz, CPTI-Board Member:

Dear Friends,

As chair of CPTI I had very much looked forward to being with you today and chairing the meeting of the CPTI general assembly. This was to be a very special trip for me. My son was going to travel to Germany with me. There is little in life that I have looked forward to more than our international conferences.

Those of us who work on behalf of those victims who suffer the first-hand costs of military violence share a special bond. That bond ties us together not only in our work but in the deep and genuine affection for each other.

I feel this special closeness with you this weekend. I am aware of your concern for me, and your prayers and your hugs, and am so grateful for them. A difficult and unfortunate cancer is separating us for now.

I am so proud of CPTI's achievements. Working with and for CPTI has been thrilling, I give to each of you my love and wish the greatest blessings of the universe on your continued efforts. If we keep our focus on the victims of military violence, we will grow.

With sincere love and appreciation. Marian Franz

Rosa Packard, CPTI-Delegate in New York:

I am not advised to travel abroad this year. I will miss you all. Thanks for writing. Rosa / 27.10.06

How lovely to hear from you. I am at home this summer rather than going to my yearly meeting because I am being treated with several doctors appointments for some medical needs which are getting better as a result. I am using the otherwise quiet week to read some good mystery stories from my local library. I am hoping Marian can visit in the fall to attend the meetings in NYC and plan to join her. We have a hot summer also and even a tornado knocking down a number of trees in the area. Weather can be dramatic!

Best wishes Rosa / End of July

Jan Birk, CPTI-Mitglied:

Entschuldigte sein Fehlen und übergab sein Stimmrecht an eine Stellvertreterin

Sergei Nikitin/Russland:

Entschuldigte sich, da er in letzter Minute von seinem Arbeitgeber leider zu einer anderen Veranstaltung dirigiert wurde.

Milena Romero/Kolumbien:

Bedauerte es sehr, nicht kommen zu können, da sie kein Visum für die Zwischenlandung bei ihrem Flug in USA hatte. Lt. Reisebüro bräuchte sie es nicht, aber beim Einchecken dann doch. Da war dann keine Zeit mehr, ein Visum zu besorgen.